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Your Hydrangeas Are Dried Out Here's How To

Your Hydrangeas Are Dried Out? Here's How to Save Them

Hydrangeas are beautiful flowers that can add a touch of elegance to any garden. However, if your hydrangeas are starting to dry out, don't despair! There are a few things you can do to save them.

In this blog post, I will discuss the reasons why hydrangeas dry out, as well as some tips on how to prevent and treat this problem. I will also share some creative ways to use dried hydrangeas in your home décor.

Why Do Hydrangeas Dry Out?

There are a few reasons why hydrangeas might dry out. One possibility is that they are not getting enough water. Hydrangeas need regular watering, especially during hot, dry weather. If you live in a climate with hot summers, you may need to water your hydrangeas every day.

Another reason why hydrangeas might dry out is that they are not getting enough sunlight. Hydrangeas need partial to full sunlight in order to thrive. If your hydrangeas are in a shady spot, they may not be getting enough light.

Finally, hydrangeas can also dry out if they are not getting the right nutrients. Hydrangeas need a balanced fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 fertilizer. If you are not fertilizing your hydrangeas, they may not be getting the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

How to Prevent Hydrangeas from Drying Out

The best way to prevent hydrangeas from drying out is to provide them with the right conditions. This means watering them regularly, giving them plenty of sunlight, and fertilizing them with a balanced fertilizer.

In addition to providing the right conditions, you can also help to prevent hydrangeas from drying out by choosing the right variety. Some hydrangea varieties are more drought-tolerant than others. If you live in a hot, dry climate, you may want to choose a drought-tolerant variety of hydrangea.

How to Treat Drying Hydrangeas

If your hydrangeas are already starting to dry out, there are a few things you can do to treat the problem. First, make sure that you are watering them regularly. You may also need to give them some supplemental sunlight.

If your hydrangeas are severely dry, you may need to cut them back. This will encourage them to regrow new, healthy leaves and flowers.

How to Use Dried Hydrangeas

Once your hydrangeas are dry, you can use them in a variety of ways. You can arrange them in vases, make them into wreaths or other decorations, or even use them to make potpourri.

Dried hydrangeas can also be used to add color and texture to your home décor. They can be used in a variety of settings, from traditional to modern.


Hydrangeas are beautiful flowers that can add a touch of elegance to any garden. However, if your hydrangeas are starting to dry out, don't despair! There are a few things you can do to save them.

By following the tips in this blog post, you can help to keep your hydrangeas healthy and vibrant for years to come.

Your hydrangea is looking a little droopy. Is it drying out? If so, you're not alone. Hydrangeas are susceptible to drying out, especially during hot, dry weather.

There are a few things you can do to help your hydrangea stay hydrated. First, make sure it's planted in well-draining soil. Hydrangeas don't like wet feet, so if your soil is too heavy, it will hold on to too much water and your hydrangea will start to dry out.

Second, water your hydrangea deeply and infrequently. This will help the roots reach down deep into the soil to find moisture. Watering too often will just encourage the roots to stay near the surface, where they'll dry out more quickly.

Finally, if you live in a hot, dry climate, you may need to water your hydrangea more often. Check the soil moisture regularly and water when the top few inches of soil are dry.

If you've tried all of these things and your hydrangea is still drying out, you may want to visit for more information. This website has a wealth of information on hydrangea care, including troubleshooting tips for dry hydrangeas.

FAQ of hydrangea dried out

Q: Why have my hydrangeas dried out?

A: There are a few reasons why hydrangeas might dry out. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Not enough water: Hydrangeas need regular watering, especially during hot, dry weather. If they don't get enough water, their leaves will start to wilt and the flowers will eventually dry out.
  • Poor soil drainage: Hydrangeas prefer soil that drains well. If the soil is too heavy or compacted, the roots won't be able to get the oxygen and water they need, and the plant will dry out.
  • Too much sun: Hydrangeas can tolerate some sun, but they prefer partial shade. If they're planted in full sun, their leaves will scorch and the plant will dry out.
  • Winter damage: Hydrangeas that are exposed to cold winter weather can be damaged. If the roots are damaged, the plant will have a hard time absorbing water and will eventually dry out.

Q: What can I do to save my dried out hydrangeas?

A: If your hydrangeas have dried out, there are a few things you can do to try to save them:

  • Water them deeply and regularly. Water the hydrangeas until the soil is saturated. You may need to water them several times a day during hot, dry weather.
  • Mulch around the plants. Mulching will help to keep the soil moist and cool.
  • Move the plants to a shadier spot. If your hydrangeas are planted in full sun, move them to a spot that gets partial shade.
  • Prune the damaged leaves and flowers. This will help the plant to focus its energy on regrowth.
  • Fertilize the plants. Fertilizing the plants will help them to recover and produce new growth.

Q: How can I prevent my hydrangeas from drying out in the future?

A: To prevent your hydrangeas from drying out in the future, you can follow these tips:

  • Plant them in well-draining soil.
  • Water them regularly, especially during hot, dry weather.
  • Mulch around the plants.
  • Plant them in a spot that gets partial shade.
  • Prune the damaged leaves and flowers.
  • Fertilize the plants.

Q: What are some signs that my hydrangeas are drying out?

A: Some signs that your hydrangeas are drying out include:

  • Wilted leaves.
  • Brown or crispy leaves.
  • Fading flowers.
  • Slow growth.
  • Dry soil.

If you notice any of these signs, it's important to water the hydrangeas immediately.

Q: How can I revive a dried out hydrangea?

A: If your hydrangeas are severely dried out, it may take some time to revive them. However, with proper care, they should eventually recover.

Here are some tips on how to revive a dried out hydrangea:

  • Water them deeply and regularly.
  • Mulch around the plants.
  • Move the plants to a shadier spot.
  • Prune the damaged leaves and flowers.
  • Fertilize the plants.

With patience and care, your hydrangeas should eventually recover and produce new growth.

Image of hydrangea dried out

Image of Dried out hydrangea flowerImage of Dried out hydrangea plantImage of Wilted hydrangea leavesImage of Brown hydrangea stemsImage of Dead hydrangea

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